Thursday, January 11, 2007

Featured Seller: Cards By Char

This card reminds me of a Florida vacation.

And when I say that, I mean the good kind. Not the kind where you're driving from New York to Florida in a 1973 gold Dodge Dart with your parents and your two cranky siblings and the front seat is pushed so far back for your dad's legs that YOUR legs are practically in your chest and blood clots are an imminent threat.

Not that kind of vacation. Thank God.

No, this card reminds me of a vacation with blue skies, sandy beaches, ocean waves and an endless stream of tropical drinks delivered by a waiter with rock-hard abs. That kind of vacation.

Ahhhh. I am so relaxed.

Please meet Cards By Char.

Your Shop Name
Your Shop Name
Cards By Char.

Your real name

Fifth grade teacher?
I can almost remember what he looks like but can’t remember his name.

When did you first start crafting?
When I was 10 years old. My grandmother used to make these fun monkey sock dolls and stuffed animals and would donate them to charity. When I was 10 years old she died and I got all her patterns and fabric, so I started making them and also donated them to charity.

Got a day job? What is it?
Doing office work for a water treatment company.

What creation are you most proud of and why?
I would have to say my cards. I really love flowers and I am always looking for new and different ones. It’s fun to see how they come out when I press them and what kind of paper I can match up with them.

What's the ugliest thing you ever made?
Probably some of the stuffed animals I made when I was ten. It was my first experience with sewing. I truly wish I had one of them now. That was a really long time ago.

Explain your etsy shop name.
Mine explains itself, not real creative, but it works.

Angelina or Jen?
If I have to pick I would say Jen since I liked watching Friends.

Final words?
Thanks Creation Station for adding me to your blog. Also, thanks to Lemon Cadet for telling me about etsy and helping me get my shop setup. I am impressed with all the wonderful items in all the shops.


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