Monday, January 08, 2007


Oh poor pattern. How I eschew you.

Yes, you lead the way to fabulously detailed crocheted creations. And yet, I can't stand to follow directions. It's my cross to bear, I know.

So when I find a fellow yarn artist who doesn't follow patterns, I melt.

Look at that!! That purse has the kind of flow and whimsy that only instinct can breed. That's why I love XOHandworks. Everything she makes has a real artist's touch.

To me, that's priceless.

Shop name:

Real name:

1st grade teacher:
Mrs. Olson, who was also my kindergarten teacher and my piano teacher. In kindergarten when I told her I could read the flashcard words upside-down, she was unimpressed and thought they should be read right-side up. Definitely a color-inside-the-lines-type teacher.

First started crafting:
Unofficially, as a tot. Officially, as a taxpaying business, since 2002.

Day job:
Retail bead store, 8 blocks from my house. Yeah, I get paid to hang out in a large room of beads :)

Creation most proud of:
Anything my husband likes so much that he keeps it for himself.

Ugliest creation:
This is certainly not the ugliest, but the ugliest that I have a photo for. As I was crocheting this, I mentioned to a friend that this bag kept getting uglier and uglier (I'm not a fan of orange). When I listed it on Etsy, it sold almost immediately. Ugly is in the eye of the beholder.

Beatles or Elvis:
Elvis "Little Less Conversation" on high volume

Chunky Monkey or New York Superfudge Chunk:
I have a salt tooth, not a sweet tooth. Never met a chip I didn't like -- except dill pickle chips -- what's up with those?!?

World peace or worldwide distribution of your crafts:
Is there a difference?

Final words:
"Take me home, mama, and put me to bed. I have seen enough to know I have seen too much."
-- Free gift to the first person who contacts me with the source of this quote :)


At 9:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! That leaf necklace is GORGEOUS! What amazing craftsmanship. Beautiful work!


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