Friday, January 12, 2007

Featured Seller: Sassy Glass

Some people are so talented, its makes me sick.

What next, Sassy Glass?? Are you going to tell me you're 5'10", a natural blond, a lottery winner and the proprietor of an orphan's village in Malawi?

I need a drink. Is that martini set still available?

Your Shop Name:
Sassy Glass

Your real name:

Fifth grade teacher?
Mrs. Gardner. Her son was in my class also and she played such favorites!!

When did you first start crafting?
My earliest memories are of making things. My grandmother taught me to crochet, knit and even needle point when I was 8 or 9. Earlier, I remember sculpting out of that dough my mom made with salt, water and flour? That was probably my first medium (and my first belly ache--that stuff tasted good going down!)

Got a day job? What is it?
For 12 years I've worked for a local science museum going into schools and doing various programs on rocks and minerals, physical changes of matter, bubbles (you name it!) So one day I'm "The Bubble Lady" & the next I'm the "Liquid Nitrogen Lady". Kind of cool!

What creation are you most proud of and why?
Hmmm.....that's a hard one. Each piece has been a challenge in one way or another and I've loved to see it come together. Since the glass is my canvas I love finding unusual shapes or colors to paint on.

I like my martini set right now because I used the silver as the base and the colors as accents. Each glass is only one of the accent colors but the shaker has them all.

What's the ugliest thing you ever made?
When I was about 10 I made this awful dog for my grandmother. When she died I found it in a place of honor in her china cabinet. So it may be ugly but it is beautiful sentimentally.

UGLY!! (but beautiful)

Explain your etsy shop name.
Hmmm....well I'm not always big on conformity (thus the Sassy) and I like painting glass.

Angelina or Jen?
Angelina is trying the world peace thing while Jen is helping Marlo Thomas with St. Judes fund-raising. I think they're actually both using their fame for good purposes and I'm sick to death of hearing about the Brad Pitt thing. Just give him to me...that will take care of the whole problem!

Final words?
Although I'm new to Etsy I have found it to be a very accepting albeit eclectic group of artists. I'm excited to see what the future brings. And of course "thank you" Andrea for putting together such a great blog.


At 10:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the most gorgeous glass that I have ever seen. Didn't even know that some of this was possible!

Thanks for the great blog.
Sharon Foster Art

At 12:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! I found your blog via etsy! Your heading made me smile, I'll keep reading! Mary


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