Featured Seller: POQAdotted
What a crappy day.
The bosses are loading work on all of us in their slave labor camp. My coworker asked me to crochet him a monster, then didn't pay, telling people he thought it was a "gift." And my diet is failing miserably.
I need to buy something, STAT. And lemme tell ya, this is pretty tempting:

I will not think about bad things. I. Will. NOT.
Instead, I will drool over (but not ON) the beautiful things in the shop of POQAdotted
Shop Name:
Your real name
Fifth grade teacher?
I think it was Mrs Cordero. Its hard to remember when you changed schools every six months or so
When did you first start crafting?
Gosh before I could walk I would imagine. I come from a super crafty family.
Got a day job? What is it?
I'm a nurse but I'm taking some time off to be with my family.
What creation are you most proud of and why?
My Kids!

What's the ugliest thing you ever made?
I honestly dont know. Maybe some of my early sewing projects when I though patterns and pins were not a necessity
Explain your etsy shop name.
It stems from something my dad used to say to me and I blended it with one of my favorite things..polka-dots so it came out as POQA(princess of quite alot)-dotted

Angelina or Jen?
hmm maybe if June or Johnny Cash reincarnated into one of them
Final words?
Create! Inspire! Craft!